Calling all Runners: Why Yoga Is Just What You Need!

This week, as I reflect on the inspiration the Boston Marathon brings to our community – I’m writing to send a high-five to every runner out there – for your stamina, grit, determination and strength. These are qualities we deeply value and work hard to cultivate at Barre & Soul. Huge congratulations those who ran the Boston Marathon. It takes super-human levels of stamina and endurance to take on a race of this level, and we know you’re feeling it big-time post-race.

We want to reach out to you personally, from another dimension of the fitness universe, and invite you over to learn more. Bring your bib number and your driver’s license to any of our studios for a complementary class in April.

We’ve just been recognized in Boston Magazine as one of the best places to explore a yoga practice in greater Boston, and we want to extend an invitation for you to join us here.

Yoga is often misunderstood as an exclusively meditative, passive approach to self-care and fitness. Yes, there is a mindfulness element, and yes there is the benefit of self-acceptance, meeting your body each day wherever it is on your mat. But there is so much more to learn and benefit from - for runners in particular.

Many runners cite greater flexibility as the primary reason for beginning a yoga practice. This makes sense, because yoga stretches the muscles that are tight, which in turn increases the range of motion in related joints.

Studies have also shown that yoga combats stress, accelerates weight loss, reduces pain, helps people stay consistent with their fitness routine, and even improves running times. The strength and flexibility runners develop on the mat--particularly in the core, quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors--can help them run more efficiently and avoid injury.

What’s more - holding challenging yoga poses builds tenacity and mind-body connection that translates in your runs. And it teaches you to deepen the connection with your breath –a skill that you can leverage to enhance your running as well.

A real breakthrough in embracing Yoga for many runners happens when they learn that fast-twitch muscle fibers can contract ten times faster than slow-twitch fibers. This is the kind of muscle that runners really want to develop to train for speed.

The difference in which muscle fibers you build comes not from your training speed, but your training intensity. If you do an isometric exercise that involves holding a half-full cup of water out at arm's length for four hours a day, you’ll develop lots of slow-twitch muscle because the intensity over time is low.

If, instead, you tried to do a shoulder raise on that same arm at maximal intensity for a fraction of the time, like seven to twelve seconds, you fatigue fast-twitch muscle fibers (all muscle fibers, in fact) much faster. Intensity is key to your speed training, not the speed of the movement itself. This is where a great Yoga practice can transform your running game, and your fitness overall – thanks to the isometric element.

It may seem counterintuitive, but isometric exercises involving very challenging but static holds involving body weight (a foundational element of both Yoga and Barre) can be better than plyometric (like exploding into a movement, like big jumps or clapping push ups) for speed.

Isometric exercises for speed also use a minimum of impact force, and keep the body safe from injury. Great news for runners, and everyone else!

History Has Its Eyes on Us

Oceans of Pink

Pink hats, handmade signs, the sun straining through an overcast sky, and the collective buzz, excitement and hope of women united. These are some of the images and feelings from my experience at the Women’s March on Washington that I will never forget. This historic event changed my life and, for many citizens of the world, redefined the relationship between our beliefs and the actions we are willing to take to support them.

As we made our way through D.C.’s brownstone-lined neighborhoods, I felt an underlying nervousness considering some of the worst case scenarios that could potentially occur. We passed the steps of the capitol building en route to the march rendezvous point and people poured in on all sides. My friends and I stood and soaked in the sight of the gathering crowds, and anxiety began to melt into gratitude. Grandmothers in wheelchairs, moms and children and a surprising number of men marched along with us - with no sense of patriarchy or self-sacrifice, but as true equals and allies.

Fear evaporated when I looked around and let my heart be filled with love for the diverse ocean of fellow Americans coming together, to support each other with compassion, to bear witness and to unapologetically raise their voices for freedom, equality, and respect for all. There are no words for the power of the experience - shoulder-to-shoulder in a crowd larger than I had ever seen or even imagined, standing united for their values and love of humanity. 

History has its eyes on you

"History has its eyes on you" read one sign, carried by a man passing by. I stopped him for a photo and he beamed with joy and pride in this message. This is why we marched. 

"Misogyny is not normal" read another sign. How interesting the relief it was to have this basic value expressed so clearly, publicly and affirmatively. We trekked our way through the thick crowd to a spot where we were able to stand on a low wall and view the jumbotron showing the stage from which the presenters were speaking. The messages weren’t new, but they were powerful in their simplicity. Cheers of support erupted through the enormous crowd – “Women’s rights are human rights.” “Black lives matter.” “We will never give up.” It is amazing, the power in hearing your deepest truths declared aloud, no matter how many times you’ve thought them before.

My eyes filled with tears over and over again as I looked in all directions at the size of the crowd we were part of. I welled up with emotion (and still do) – not because I was inconsolable that my candidate wasn’t victorious in a presidential race, but because, by being part of this event, I know I am contributing to a permanent legacy. I am part of history. My human family was gathered around me in solidarity for the equality issues I’ve been blogging and speaking about for so many years, often wondering how many others out there cared as deeply as me.

We didn’t find out until returning from the march for the evening that similar events were happening all around the world. Over 5 Million people marched world wide – over 1 Million in Washington DC! There are no words to express how it felt to see and know we're not alone. It was clear on this day that feminism isn't an extreme agenda driven by fanatics. The feminist values I’ve been fighting for all these years are about equality, social justice and progressing into a brighter future for all humanity.

We will not “get over it”

For those that might not understand where we’re coming from – for me, the march wasn’t a complaint or part of an angry political agenda. It wasn’t about an inability to cope with change, a lack of adaptability or acceptance of reality. It was a fulfillment of my duty as an American and a human who believes certain inalienable rights and core values that I hold dear to my heart do matter.

Just as suffragists fighting for women’s right to vote didn’t get over it, and civil rights leaders struggling relentlessly for desegregation didn’t get over it – we will not “get over” the issues that were central to that event.

I see it as our duty as members of the human race to work for equality. If you haven't been assaulted, or discriminated against for the color of your skin, your religion, your sexuality or your gender – then you’re fortunate, and I am glad you haven’t suffered in this way. I believe that whether or not you’ve been personally affected by these injustices, it’s all of our responsibility to make sure nobody else has to go through them.

If you were part of the Women’s March - even if only in spirit - don't let anyone minimize it. This is the dawning of a new era of alert minds, compassionate perspectives and global action.

On Inauguration Day

Prior to the march, driving from Boston to Washington D.C. with a car full of friends (including Barre & Soul's Chief Amazement Officer, Crissy and our Yoga Teacher Training Director, Carrie), we felt a somber occasion was unfolding. At the same time, we talked about how grateful we remained - for America and all the freedoms and opportunities we have here. Carrie had just returned from a volunteer medical trip to a country decimated by disaster and lacking infrastructure and the supports we enjoy and too often take for granted in the US.

She reflected on the reality there - lack of roads, safety, clean water, and essential medical care for many citizens. Following the Women’s March, I’m more aware than ever of how great America IS today. And how crucial it is that we stay vigilant about the elements of greatness that matter most to us – equality, safety, freedom, diversity, and opportunity for all.

Within American culture, and in spite of a highly evolved system of government and justice, many women still can't achieve their highest potential. We have come a long, long way, but we can’t allow ourselves to forget what propelled our progress.

Don’t stop striving. Appreciate the things others before us have fought hard for. Keep raising your voice for equality and for the freedoms that for so many have not yet been realized.

Thank you to everyone who has joined this movement. We may not see the the end of this fight in our lifetimes. Keep fighting anyway.  

Barre & Soul Founder, Andrea Isabelle Lucas, on the Real Talk Radio Podcast with Nicole Antoinette

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Nicole sits down with interesting, inspirational, and refreshingly imperfect people to have unfiltered conversations about what’s really going on in our lives. You know, all that juicy behind-the-scenes stuff, like fears, secret dreams, guilty pleasures, and more.

Alexandra Elizabeth Reviews Barre & Soul's Harvard Square Studio

Alexandra Elizabeth of Making Motherhood Visible reviews our Harvard Square Studio.

"In the midst of the constant bustle of Harvard Square lies an oasis for those that need an outlet where they can relax, rejuvenate and train hard. I was excited to have Barre & Soul join Harvard Square, as there aren’t many barre studios on this side of town and traveling to Boston for a fitness class just doesn’t work with my schedule."

Little Miss Runshine Shares her Barre & Soul Experience

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Boston fitness blogger Jessica shares her Barre & Soul® experience on her blog Little Miss Runshine. Jessica has taken many classes with us since, and we are thrilled to be part of her fitness schedule!

What’s for Breakfast? Health Pros Share Their Morning Meals

We don’t need to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Boston asked three fitness professionals, including Barre & Soul® founder Andrea Isabelle Lucas, to share their favorite healthy breakfasts.

Alex of Literally Everything gives our Harvard Square Yoga and Barre studio a try

"A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of heading to Barre & Soul's latest studio in Harvard Square to check out the digs and see what their barre class is like. I'm no stranger to barre classes, so I was curious to see how it differed from the other studios in the city.

Barre & Soul has the distinct honor of being Harvard Square's first barre studio and offers 48 barre and yoga classes throughout the week."

If You're Struggling Today, I'm With You

If You're Struggling Today, I'm With You

This post is brought to you by a pair of Hogwarts pajama pants that I've been wearing since noon. Today, even leaving the house feels challenging. Although I’m sure we are not unanimous in our political views, I think it is safe to say that the majority of us are in shock after last night's results. 

I share in your disbelief. My heart was heavy as I woke my kids up for school this morning. Our conversations were hard. I want them to feel safe, and to believe that everything is going to be OK, even when I myself need to be convinced that this is true. 

The Bostonista Loves Barre & Soul Harvard Square!

"I don’t think it’s exactly a secret that I’m not an athletic person so the fact that I’ve found a workout that I actually enjoy is kind of a miracle. What is this miracle fitness fad that has me so entranced? Barre! But not just any barre class, I’ve been going to Barre & Soul’s newest location in Harvard Square."

Boston Magazine tries Barre & Soul's Virtual Studio

"When the weather’s bad, you’re short on time, or you simply don’t have the motivation, getting to the gym can be an obstacle too big to overcome. Never fear. You can still get a good workout in your own home with these virtual training resources."

What Will History Say About You?


Shaun King, the revolutionary activist, reporter and powerful voice for truth in the Black Lives Matter movement, spoke at Harvard University last month about what we can do to end racial injustice in our communities. I was lucky enough to hear him speak, and I want to share his top 3 messages. Then I want to talk about where you come in.

1) Be present


You never know how much your willingness to bear witness and be with someone else's suffering could mean to them. You won’t always know how to help, but just acknowledging the problem instead of turning away can make a difference.

2) Be bothered

Have you ever wondered how the hell you can be truly happy, when there is so much suffering in the world? Me too. I'm starting to think maybe "being happy" is not what matters. We are all bothered by certain things uniquely. I may have a fire in my belly for women's rights. Maybe for you it's children, or animals, or the environment.


3) Be organized


There are systems of oppression in place that keep certain injustices happening, and it's going to take targeted efforts to change those systems. I’m struggling with this one the most, because I don’t have all the answers about how to solve the world’s problems.

I did come away convinced of something. We are living through a revolutionary period in history. From the misogyny and bigotry stirred up by this election, to the Black Lives Matter movement, the increase in mass shootings, and all of the tragedies our country has gone through in the last few years. History is being written now. Sometimes it may be hard to notice. You’re busy trying to pay the rent, or wondering if your kid has a fever, or what you’re going to have for dinner. While life goes on, the ground is shifting beneath our feet. Your grandchildren will read about 2016 in their history books. What will your part in the story be?

For now, here are a few things I’ve decide to do:


Where I live, early voting is an option. I voted for Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States. I think the alternative is far too dangerous for our country and for the world. (That doesn’t mean I value your humanity any less if you disagree.)


You don’t always have to lead to make a difference. Check out this quick TED clip explaining why. There are people doing great work, and following them can be just as powerful as starting a movement yourself.


For the past 5 years, I’ve been pouring my heart into blogging, passionately, if a bit sporadically, and wondering how I could reach more people. I’ve changed taglines, site layouts and titles several times along the way, and another change is coming.

See, I realized I happen to own a business, with not only several physical locations, but also a website that gets a lot more traffic than my blog. Because I care about my message reaching as many of you as possible, and because it’s important to me that you know the values behind the business, I’m going to be moving this blog under the Barre & Soul umbrella.

You might be wondering, what if people don’t agree with me or are offended by my message? First let me say that agreeing with me is by no means a requirement to be a valued member of the community at Barre & Soul, and I don’t plan to hound you with political talk as you lie in savasana, trying to get a little peace. I love and respect you and your opinion, even if it differs from mine.

That said, I will continue to blog and use social media as my soap box, because I care about the future of our society, and because I feel I must. Sometimes I’ll change some minds, sometimes I’ll be met with agreement, and sometimes I’ll be met with opposition.

In fact, sometimes speaking up means being attacked - both figuratively and literally. One of the greatest teachers I've ever had used to point to Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and John Lennon, to name a few, who changed the world and were taken from us by violence.

"You know the difference between you and them?” he would say. “They were all worth shooting."

Yep, he had a dark sense of humor. I mean, DAMN, he encouraged us regularly to be someone worth shooting. That’s pretty extreme, but when I question playing it safe or speaking my mind, I always think of his words.


What bothers you deeply? How do you get organized around the things that matter to you? And what do you think about the idea of being “someone worth shooting?” Will you be in the history books, and if so what will they say? Please join the conversation on Facebook!

Brookline Gets a New Barre Studio; Boston Magazine

Walk a few blocks down Newbury Street, and you’re almost guaranteed to see a barre studio. Leave the Back Bay, though, and you’ll have to work a little harder to find places to tuck and pulse.

Local mini-chain Barre & Soul®, however, is out to bring more barres to more places. Next up? Adding a studio in Brookline. Brookline is already home to a small handful of barre studios, but owner and founder Andrea Isabelle Lucas says it’s an area that can benefit from Barre & Soul’s goal of spreading community-focused, mind-body fitness throughout the city and beyond.

Is Your Barre Class a Fake? Why it Matters + How to Tell

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I want everyone to understand what an authentic Barre class is all about, and how to recognize it, in a landscape cluttered by an unreal number of imitators. There is currently no governing body assessing which studios are actually up to par at the barre (although I'm involved in unifying leaders in the industry, in the hopes of creating one).

We're bringing something totally new to the industry, based on a fantastic community, focus on mind-body connection and a transformative workout.

Getting Fit in MA Reviews our Harvard Square studio

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"Suddenly, all the things that seemed intimidating to me pre-class were easily used in the class. The strap that you wrap over the barre for some moves, blocks, ball, and weights all were used properly after explanations.

I am sore today, but I think that’s good! Who new small movements “pulses” could be such a great workout for your muscles. I definitely feel I got a great workout and am glad I tried something new to change up my workout routine."

Her Campus Harvard names Barre & Soul as new favorite place in Harvard Square!

If you’re anything like me, the arrival of fall means that the gym habit you spent all summer developing is in serious danger of falling by the wayside.  Suddenly we’re being pulled in a thousand different directions by classes, homework, jobs,…

If you’re anything like me, the arrival of fall means that the gym habit you spent all summer developing is in serious danger of falling by the wayside.  Suddenly we’re being pulled in a thousand different directions by classes, homework, jobs, extracurriculars, and the vague but ever-present pressure to be at least a little bit social, and it’s just too easy to stop prioritizing fitness.  Bikini season, after all, is over, and sweaters can hide a lot.

But I’ve found a workout regimen I can stick to.  The barre classes at the new Barre & Soul studio in Harvard Square are fun, safe, intensely challenging, and effective!

How to Follow Your Dreams When They're Big and Scary

How to Follow Your Dreams When They're Big and Scary

People have asked me how I got the courage to start my own business. "It seems like such a huge risk!" they tell me. Before I started Barre & Soul, it felt scary to me too. In fact, the thought of starting a business gave me nightmares.

In these nightmares, tumbleweeds blew through an empty studio where I sat, weeping at the front desk, writing out rent check after rent check, nothing to eat but dust and shame as I slipped into financial ruin. I was potently afraid.

The part I feared most about opening a barre and yoga studio of my own, was signing a lease. Leases are a big commitment, a legally binding, enduring, long-term arrangement for people who don’t mind being tied down and who have enough money in the bank to float a few bad months, or years. When I was in the early days of Barre & Soul - signing a lease felt like signing my life away.

The Fit Reserve Loves Barre & Soul!

"Though the term "ballerina body" should be enough incentive to draw you into one of Barre & Soul's locations, there are plenty of other reasons that you'll love these boutique studios. These friendly neighborhood studios offer a variety of barre and yoga classes for all fitness levels. The classes are small, which means plenty of individual attention from dedicated instructors. Though the classes will work you hard, they also provide a peaceful hour during which you can focus on posture, flexibility, strength and the mind body connection."

Andrea on HuffPo: Why Fitness Pros Need To Stop Talking About ‘Bikini Bodies’

We are thrilled to announce that Andrea will be a regular contributor on the Huffington Post!

Her first article is live, click the button below to read and let us know what you think!

Access Virtual Classes Anywhere - Even on your Smartphone!

Goodbye Skype, hello Zoom! We've moved our virtual classes onto a new platform and it's now easier than ever to get your yoga and barre in, when you can't make it to the studio!

Be sure to check out the Virtual studio page for login details and schedule.

Don't forget, you can use any Barre & Soul class payment options for virtual. That means, if you're an unlimited member, it's free!